Industrial IoT(IIoT) Device Security Industrial IoT(IIoT) Device Security

Industrial IoT(IIoT) Device Security

'Smart' gadgets, which have found their way into a variety of industrial environments, including power, oil and gas, manufacturing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, mining, and transportation, are typical of the IIoT. IIoT devices, unlike traditional OT/ICS assets, are built to be connected to the internet and communicate using IP protocols.

Industrial companies must protect not only the communications between smart devices and their control centers, but also the devices themselves from malicious hacking, manipulation, and other forms of tampering. This category of solutions focuses on protecting devices from cyberattacks at the device level.

Because IIoT devices are generally off-the-shelf goods with limited built-in security-and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have already been deployed-they are an appealing attack vector for hackers. IIoT devices provide a large attack surface for cybercriminals looking to get access to networks and ICS systems that operate critical infrastructure and services.

Endpoint Security-By-Design

Endpoint 'Security by design' often includes a software agent embedded in the device's firmware to ensure security throughout its deployment lifecycle. In the industrial OT context, the embedded agent continuously monitors the IIoT device and connects with a cybersecurity detection and prevention program. Prior to the release of a product, agents should be embedded. Installing and testing agents on devices that have already been deployed can be prohibitively expensive. The following standard practices are also included in Security by Design for IIoT endpoints.

Endpoint Identity:

To govern access to the device and its services, IIoT devices should offer standard and secure user authentication.

Secure Boot:

Secure Boot protocol should be followed by IIoT devices to secure the integrity of the code running on the device. Secure boot is a typical and fundamental security feature of every computerized (or smart) device.

Cryptographic Services:

Communication between IIoT devices should be encrypted/decrypted across transport protocols, storage, and applications. The use of non-standard or inadequate security measures exposes IIoT device communications to the possibility of being intercepted, manipulated, or even injected with fake data, resulting in device hijacking and damage.

Why Your Industrial Enterprises Needs This Solution

IIoT and smart endpoints are on the rise, and they must be protected. Otherwise, you risk exposing your industrial firm to a slew of vulnerable entry points.

Why IIoT Vendors Needs This Solution

IIoT device security relies heavily on product security and secure development.

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