Network Discovery, Monitoring & Threat Detection Network Discovery, Monitoring & Threat Detection

Network Discovery, Monitoring & Threat Detection

The solution in this category addresses the important need for industrial firms to have a thorough awareness of their operations and an accurate accounting of their industrial IT/OT network assets. These solutions automate ongoing Network Discovery and Monitoring procedures, so the ICS environment has accurate and real-time information, because manual approaches always fall short and are never accurate.

Network Asset Discovery

Network asset discovery is an automated procedure for detecting and collecting data from technological assets connected to an OT network on a continual basis. The Discovery method generates a live inventory of OT assets, including proprietary OT hardware, IoT and IIoT devices, as well as ordinary PCs, software, and virtual machines.

The goal of asset discovery is to build a thorough and up-to-date image of the OT network's technology landscape. It catalogues and maps all devices, as well as their interactions. Organizations can identify devices that require attention to prevent or minimize disruption, as well as establish behavioural baselines to detect anomalies and potential threats, by understanding what assets are in play.

Both passive and active discovery are available with solutions. While active discovery (probing assets and waiting for a response) allows for more detailed information, it may have unforeseen repercussions. Before deploying active discovery, we recommend that end-users extensively test it in their own environment.

Network Anomaly And Threat Detection

Anomaly detection recognizes OT device or application behavior patterns that deviate from 'normal' or expected trends. Anomaly detection analyzes and passively monitors network data in order to discover behavioural patterns and create normal network behavior.

It may take several days for the initial monitoring to be completed. Thresholds are created to highlight traffic patterns and behaviors that are outside the normal range and require inquiry once normal behavior has been established and a baseline has been established. Continuous monitoring sends out real-time alerts about impending hazards, as well as historical reports that can be useful for planning and auditing.

Because the Solution detects zero-day attacks and other 'unknown' threats based on knowledge gathered from your network rather than a signature list, it is effective at detecting them. Some suppliers combine anomaly detection with external threat analysis feeds, allowing them to improve anomaly detection by incorporating external data and anonymously sharing it with their customer base.

Deep Packet Inspection (Dpi)

Deep packet inspection examines the payload or content of network data packets transported over a network from one device to another. DPI allows you to track, detect, categorize, redirect, or prevent unwanted code or data packets. The protocol is identified by DPI using pattern or signature matching.

Using DPI in an OT/ICS network necessitates a thorough grasp of TCP/IP protocols as well as OT protocols like BACnet, DNP3, EtherCAT, Modbus, PROFINET, OPC, and others. When protocol commands are misused or abused, DPI might issue a real-time alarm.

why your industrial enterprise needs this solution

You can't guard or control what you can't see or understand. The systems that employ inventory data for efficient operations and effective security coverage of all assets require a complete and accurate network inventory.

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