Social Engineering & Phishing Security Social Engineering & Phishing Security

Social Engineering & Phishing Security

To achieve what they want, cybercriminals have perfected the art of targeting the weakest link in the security chain. They use social engineering to dupe unwary employees or contractors into handing over their ID and password credentials, as well as other sensitive information. Cybercriminals with legitimate credentials can penetrate the industrial firm network's front entrance as if they were an employee.

Malicious actors have access to a variety of online tools. While the vectors, such as phishing, are significant, cyber-attackers rely on impulsive human behavior to get access to your industrial network and data. That's why our cybersecurity solutions emphasize the human element, teaching employees how to spot intrusions and respond appropriately, as well as providing a safety net for threats they might overlook.

Our solutions concentrate on training as well as email and message, which is where the majority of social engineering, or phishing, attacks take place.

Automated Security Training And Awareness Platforms

Our solutions can automate and tailor security training programs to enhance their influence on employee security awareness and behavior, in addition to periodic, frontal training sessions or computer-based individual training.

The automated solutions provide an intelligent platform that tailors ongoing personal training programs for each employee using behavioural psychology approaches, algorithms, and best practices. Simulations of phishing assaults, follow-up training, and reporting on employee progress toward compliance targets are all part of training programs.

As you mimic attacks and track employee reactions, you'll have a better understanding of where the danger is and how to tailor training programs to reduce it. For employees, receiving quick feedback on their performance is an eye-opening experience that will help them pay attention in the future.

Secure Email Gateways (Segs) And Inbox Security

It's a good idea to supplement cyber awareness training with software that scans incoming and outgoing emails for phishing and viruses. That is exactly what Inbox Security and SEG products accomplish.

To monitor email traffic and block phishing/malware material, Inbox Security solutions install a client on each employee's Inbox (usually cloud). Employees are also given the option of reporting emails from suspicious senders or with dubious links on their own. Employee involvement in cyber protection enhances awareness and transforms them into an army of "boots on the ground" who provide useful and timely intelligence rather than becoming social engineering victims.

In most cases, a reporting button is added to the employee's Inbox. If an email appears to be suspicious, a single click delivers it to the SecOps team for review. When it comes to stopping and resolving targeted phishing attacks, speed, efficiency, and accuracy can make all the difference. Automated remediation of the reported Inbox and all affected email accounts in the organisation is common with Inbox Security platforms.

Your Industrial Enterprises Needs This Solution Because:

  • Employees must be aware of the cyber risks that are directed at them and take steps to defend themselves. It also becomes the most effective technique of reducing human mistake and fending off social engineering attacks.
  • Automated solutions help you save money on SOC and training resources while improving the effectiveness of detection and remediation.
  • As phishers try to avoid detection, automated solutions react in real time to shifting strategies.

Rather to watching your SOC team tire out, these solutions keep up with attackers as they switch tactics.

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